Front pages of web sites featured here:
Official Church Teacher's Homepage
Interpreter Foudation with Scripture Roundtables on GD Lessons
Meridian Magazine, Come Follow Me lessons
Scripture Central CFM Lesson Material Index
BYU Studies CFM Lesson Material Index
FAIR CFM Lesson Material Index
Steven C. Harper's Historical Context of the D&C
Don't Miss This, CFM YouTube channel
Teaching with Power, CFM YouTube channel
Follow Him, CFM YouTube channel
Unshaken, CFM YouTube channel
Talking Scripture, CFM YouTube channel
Brother Miller's Notes, CFM YouTube channel
Stories of the Restoration, CFM YouTube channel
Come Follow Up, BYU TV CFM YouTube channel
Autumn Dickson, CFM YouTube channel
Start Here Study, CFM YouTube channel
The Scriptures are Real, CFM YouTube channel
Maria Eckersley, CFM YouTube channel
Barbara Morgan Gardener, CFM YouTube channel
Hurricane Utah Insititute, CFM YouTube channel
Living Scriptures' Line Upon Line, CFM YouTube channel
Legacy links:
Latter-day Saint Seminar
D. Lynn Johnson's Visual Scriptures
Steven C. Harper CFM lesson material
Talk of Him, CFM YouTube channel
Cwic Media, YouTube channel
29th Floor Sunday School CFM YouTube channel
Connect Up, CFM Youtube channel
Scripture Gems, CFM YouTube CFM channel
Living Room Scripture Lessons Podcast
Gerald Smith's Gospel Doctrine lesson blog
FAIR's Apologetic GD Lesson Aids
Nathan Olsen's Gospel Doctrine Lesson Outlines
Wendy Austin's Gospel Doctrine Lesson Flyers
The Gospel Doctrine Forum, by Bill Beardall
Kevin Hinckley's Gospel Doctrine Lessons
Nancy Jensen's LDS Gospel Doctrine Plus Blog
Lenet Read's Gospel Doctrine lesson web site
Brad W. Constantine's Gospel Doctrine Lessons
Ben Spackman's Gospel Doctrine Blog
LDSLiving CFM Links
Monte Shelley's Gospel Doctrine Lesson and Handout Site
Other web sites of potential interest:
Mike Parker's Lesson Prep Site
LDS Church History Department site on historical context of D&C
Steve Mortensen's Doctrine and Covenants Revelation Sites
Understanding Mormonism
History of Mormonism
The Prophet Joseph Smith
Mormon Wiki