D&C 30-36 by Quinton S. Harris, Edward A. Harris, (c) 1997 I. SECTION 30. A.Background. 1.First published as three different chapters in Book of Commandments. 2.Given to David Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, Jr., & John Whitmer. 3.Given at the conclusion of Sept. Conference in Fayette, N.Y. 4.Activities at the Conference. (HC 1:115) a.Oliver Cowdery must have resolved the problem of revelations mentioned in D&C 28 coming through Hiram Page. b.Discussed the stone used by Hiram Page. c.Bro. Page & the Church renounced the stone & revelations. d.Marvelous manifestations of Holy Spirit. B.Chastisement of David Whitmer for disobedience. (vs. 1-4) (Sacred Truths of the Doctrine & Covenants, Otten & Caldwell, p. 146) 1.What was his disobedient act? a.Heeding to directions from an unauthorized source i.e. Hiram Page. 2.What factors contributed to his disobedience? a.His fear of man. b.Concentrating on things of earth more than on the Lord. c.His failure to heed the promptings of the Spirit. d.His failure to follow the Lord's authorized leadership. 3.Pre-requisites to obedience to be accepted by the Lord. a.Recognition of & reliance upon the only true source of strength Jesus Christ. b.Emphasis on things of God more than things of earth. c.Giving heed to the Lord's spirit. d.Giving heed to the Lord's authorized representatives. 4.What can we do to develop these pre-requisites? a.Scripture study, prayer, fasting. (Alma 17:2-3) Alma met the Sons of Mosiah in his travels. "They had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God. "But this is not all; they had given themselves to much prayer, and fasting; therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught they taught with power and authority of God." b.Keeping holy the Sabbath, worship services, sacrament. (D&C 59:12) "Remember that on this, the Lord's day, thou shalt offer thine oblations and thy sacraments unto the Most High, confessing thy sins unto thy brethren, and before the Lord." c.Service to others. (John 21:15-17) " Feed my lambs feed my sheep." d.Summary by Pres. Spencer W. Kimball, "Men of Example" Address given to religious educators, Sept. 12, 1975, p. 2) "There are blessings that come from immersing ourselves in the scriptures. The distance narrows between ourselves and our Father in heaven. Our spirituality shines brighter. We love more intensely those whom we should love. It is much easier to follow counsel. The lessons of life are learned more readily and surely." C.Peter Whitmer, Jr. called to accompany Oliver Cowdery on a mission to the Lamanites. (vs. 5-8) (Who's Who in the Doctrine & Covenants, Black, p. 334-7) 1.One of the Eight Witnesses. 2.D&C 16:1, 3-6` told to "declare repentance unto this people." 3.Baptized by Oliver Cowdery & ordained an elder in June, 1830. a.One of first 7 elders ordained in this dispensation. 4."build up my church among the Lamanites." (vs. 6) (D&C 32:2) a.Near Buffalo preached to Catteraugus Indians. b.Mentor, Ohio converted Sidney Rigdon & his congregation. c.Sandusky, Ohio preached to Wyandot Indians. d.Finally to Cincinnati, St. Louis, & 300 miles through snow to Independence, Missouri on border of Indian Territory. 5.Peter settled in Independence & worked as a tailor. a.Early client was General Alexander Doniphan. b.Also Lilburn W. Boggs, newly elected Lt. Governor for inauguration. 6.Suffered persecution in Jackson County. 7.Moved to Clay County Liberty. a.Aided Zion's camp in their sickness. b.Served on Missouri Stake High Council. c.He died of consumption 22 Sept. 1836 faithful to end. D.John Whitmer called to preach the gospel. (See lesson D&C 17-19) II.SECTION 31. Thomas B. Marsh. A.Background (Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Cook p. 42) 1.Marsh born in Massachusetts in 1799. 2.Joined Methodist Church in his early twenties. 3.Became disillusioned with organized religions & withdrew. 4.He expected & predicted the rise of a new church which would have the pure truth. 5.In 1829 he was impressed to make a journey west. 6.He met Martin Harris at office of E.B. Grandin in Palmyra. 7.Later met Oliver Cowdery & learned about Joseph Smith. 8.Corresponded with Joseph & Oliver during the next year. 9.When Marsh learned that a new Church had been organized he moved to Palmyra in Sept. 1830. 10.Baptized by David Whitmer in Cayuga Lake & ordained an elder at Whitmer's home in Fayette by Oliver Cowdery. B.His mission. 1.vs. 4 "declare the things which have been revealed to my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun." 2.vs. 9 (warning) "Be patient in afflictions, revile not against those that revile. Govern your house in meekness, and be steadfast." 3.vs. 10 "you shall be a physician unto the church " 4.vs. 12 "Pray always, lest you enter into temptation and lose your reward." C.Biography. (The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Cook, p. 42-3) 1.Ordained high priest by Lyman Wight 6 June 1831. 2.Traveled to Missouri in 1831. 3.Served a mission in East in 1832. 4.Moved to Jackson County in 1832. 5.Member of Missouri High Council in 1834. 6.Ordained an apostle 26 April 1835. Senior member of Quorum of Twelve. 7.Attended dedication of Kirtland Temple in 1836. 8.Owned 320 acres of land in Caldwell County, Missouri. 9.Became president pro tem of Church in Missouri in 1838. 10.Signed an affidavit against Joseph Smith in Oct. 1838 that led to extermination order by Governor Boggs. 11.Excommunicated for apostasy 17 March 1839. 12.Remained in Missouri for 18 years teaching school. 13.After wife died went to Florence, Nebraska & asked for baptism on 16 July 1857. 14.Moved to Utah in Sept. 1857 & was reinstated in full fellowship. 15.Married Hannah Adams 4 Oct. 1857. 16.Settled in Spanish Fork. 17.Reordained elder 11 March 1859. 18.Ordained high priest Nov. 1861. 19.Sealed to Hannah Adams 1 Nov. 1862. 20.Moved to Ogden, Utah where he died Jan. 1866. D.Special experiences of Thomas B. Marsh. (Who's Who in the Doctrine & Covenants, Black, p. 186-9) 1. D&C 112:1-2, 10 "There have been some few things in thine heart and with thee with which I, the Lord, was not well pleased. Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers." 2.Milk strippings incident. (Discourse by Elder George A. Smith, Apr. 6, 1856, JD 3:283) "You may think that these small matters amount to but little, but sometimes it happens that out of a small matter grows something exceedingly great. For instance, while the Saints were living in Far West, there were two sisters wishing to make cheese, and, neither of them possessing the requisite number of cows, they agreed to exchange milk. "The wife of Thomas B. Marsh, who was then President of the Twelve Apostles, and sister Harris (wife of George W. Harris) concluded they would exchange milk, in order to make a little larger cheese than they otherwise could. To be sure to have justice done, it was agreed that they should not save the strippings, but that the milk and strippings should all go together. Small matters to talk about here, to be sure, two women exchanging milk to make cheese. "Mrs. Harris, it appeared, was faithful to the agreement and carried to Mrs. Marsh the milk and strippings, but Mrs. Marsh, wishing to make some extra good cheese, saved a pint of strippings from each cow and sent Mrs. Harris the milk without the strippings. "Finally it leaked out that Mrs. Marsh had saved strippings, and it became a matter to be settled by the Teachers. They began to examine the matter, and it was proved that Mrs. Marsh had saved the strippings, and consequently had wronged Mrs. Harris out of that amount. "An appeal was taken from the Teachers to the Bishop, and a regular Church trial was had. President Marsh did not consider that the Bishop had done him and his lady justice, for they decided that the strippings were wrongfully saved, and that the woman had violated her covenant. "Marsh immediately took an appeal to the High Council, who investigated the question with much patience, and I assure you they were a graved body. Marsh being extremely anxious to maintain the character of his wife, as he was the President of the Twelve Apostles, and a great man in Israel, made a desparate defence, but the High Council finally confirmed the Bishop's decision. "Marsh, not being satisfied, took an appeal to the First Presidency of the Church, and Joseph and his Counselors had to sit upon the case, and they approved the decision of the High Council. "This little affair, you will observe, kicked up a considerable breeze, and Thomas B. Marsh then declared that he would sustain the character of his wife, even if he had to go to hell for it. "The then President of the Twelve Apostles, the man who should have been the first to do justice and cause reparation to be made for wrong, committed by any member of his family, took that position, and what next? He went before a magistrate and swore that the 'Mormons' were hostile towards the State of Missouri. "That affidavit brought from the government of Missouri an extermination order, which drove some 15,000 Saints from their homes and habitations, and some thousands perished through suffering the exposure consequent on this state of affairs." 3.John Taylor related an experience. (JD, 5:115) Sermon given in 1857. "You that do not know him, have heard of Thomas B. Marsh, who was formerly the President of the Twelve Apostles, but who apostatized some years ago in Missouri. He is on his way here, a poor, decrepit, broken- down, old man. (He was suffering from the palsy.) In meeting with some of the apostates, he said to them: 'You do not know what you are about; if you want to look at the fruits of apostasy, look on me.'" E.Moral to us of the life of Thomas B. Marsh. 1.The Lord counsels in two areas. a.Ecclesiastical responsibilities. b.Personal responsibilities. 2.He is always eager to give us direction to avoid pitfalls that he knows we will face. 3.Will we be responsive to the Lord's counsel? 4.Are we governing our homes in meekness & steadfastness? 5.Do we pray always that we may be obedient & faithful to the end? 6.In one week we will be instructed by our leaders in General Conference. Can we apply this lesson to ourselves and follow counsel? 1.Wilford Woodruff (JD, 14:33, 36) "We, as a people, should not treat lightly counsel, for I tell you in the name of the Lord there is no man who undertakes to run counter to the counsel of the legally authorized leader of this people that ever prospers. "We have been governed by counsel insteas of commandment in many things, which has been a blessing to the saints ." 2.Pres. Stephen L. Richards (B.Y.U Speeches of the Year, Feb. 26, 1957) " ... a moment's reflection will convince you of the rather serious regard in which we hold counsel. While it is true that we characterize infraction of the law as sin, and we do not apply quite that drastic a terminology to failure to follow counsel, yet in the Church, under the priesthood, counsel always is given for the primary purpose of having the law observed, so that it does occupy a place of standing and importance, almost comparable to that law of the gospel." III.SECTION 32. (Mission to the Lamanites.) A.Four elders called to preach restored gospel to the Indians. 1.Who were they? a.Oliver Cowdery. b.Parley P. Pratt. c.Ziba Peterson. d.Peter Whitmer, Jr. 2.To whom did they preach? a.See under Peter Whitmer, Jr. in Section 30. 3.Call came shortly after the U.S. Congress had passed the Indian Removal Bill to relocate all Indians within U.S. borders to points beyond (May 28, 1830, signed by Pres. Andrew Jackson) (B.Y.U. Studies, 36:2, p. 227; "Light on the Mission to the Lamanites, by Leland Gentry.) B.What did they accomplish? 1.Preached to Indians but no converts. 2.Its success was in the Western Reserve among the whites. 3.Also had success in Jackson County, Missouri. 4.Needed a license to deal with the Indians in Kansas. 5.Indian agent refused to grant the license. C.Ziba Peterson. (Personalities in the Doctrine & Covenants, McCune, p. 88. 1.Baptized in April 18, 1830 2.Ordained Elder before June, 1830. 3.Called on mission to Lamanites in Oct., 1830. 4.Remained in Missouri. 5.Married a Mormon convert Rebecca Hooper. 6.Rebuked by Lord in 1831 for trying to hide his sins. 7.Became disaffected in 1833 at height of Jackson County persecution. 8.Migrated west to California in 1848 & settled in a mining town. 9.He became the Sheriff. 10.Died about 1850. D.Parley P. Pratt. (Ibid, p. 93; Learning to Love the Doctrine & Covenants, Preece, p. 60. 1.Born in 1807 in Burlington, New York. 2.Raised a Baptist but became disaffected. 3.Became a disciple of Alexander Campbell in the Western Reserve. 4.Set out to preach the gospel & in Buffalo heard of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. 5.Traveled to Palmyra & met Hyrum Smith. 6.Baptized by Oliver Cowdery in Sept. 1830 in Fayette. 7.Called to preach to the Lamanites. 8.Influential in introducing gospel to his friends in Kirtland. 9.Missionaries baptized over 100 converts in one month. (There had been about 60 baptisms in New York in 6 months.) 10.Sidney Rigdon, Lyman Wight, Frederick G. Williams were among them. 11.Parley called to be member of original Quorum of Twelve in April, 1835. 12.Took gospel to John Taylor in Canada. 13.Served in England with the Twelve. 14.Led a group of saints to Salt Lake Valley in fall of 1847. 15.Murdered May 13, 1857 in Van Buren, Arkansas at age 50. E.Message. 1.vs. 4. "they shall give heed to that which is written, and pretend to no other revelation. "They shall pray always that I may unfold the same to their understanding." IV.SECTION 33. A.Background. (The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Cook, p. 47-8) 1.Northrup Sweet was an early convert and ultimate apostate. a.Northrup was son-in-law of Emer Harris, brother of Martin. b.He started up his own church in 1831 "The Pure Church of Christ." c.At peak it had 6 members and soon fizzled. 2.Ezra Thayer was also an early convert of Parley P. Pratt. a.He had several strong spiritual experiences. b.Served several missions. c.Served on High Council in Missouri. d.Member of Zion's camp. e.Failed to follow the Twelve after martyrdom. f.Served on high council of Reorganized Church. B.Doctrine. 1.vs. 1 "(God) is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." a.Mosiah 4:30 "if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God ye must perish." b.Alma 12:14 "For our words will condemn us, yea, all our works will condemn us; and our thoughts will also condemn us; " c.D&C 6:16 "there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart." 2.The eleventh hour. a.(Learning to Love the Doctrine & Covenants, Preece, p. 63) (See Matt. 25:1-13) "Jewish wedding customs of Jesus' day called for the bridegroom and his friends, after a bachelor's party of sorts, in processional array, to call for the bride who waited with her friends and attendants to be taken to the wedding feast. As the wedding celebration was held at night, friends and attendants of the bride sometimes grew weary and sleepy with waiting. When word was received that the bridegroom was coming, the bride's party would go out and meet them. Each member of the bride's party was expected by tradition and practical need to carry a lamp to find her way in the dark. "In the parable of the ten virgins, the bridegroom is Jesus. The ten virgins are those who profess a belief in Christ and are awaiting his second coming. Those attending the 'wedding feast' are those who have received his gospel and have persisted in righteousness until his coming. They will celebrate as they receive the rewards promised the righteous. 'Midnight' represents the unlikely and unexpected hour of his coming. The expression 'the bridegroom tarried' refers to the fact that his coming is delayed to a time more distant than the saints expected. The 'eleventh hour' is now the time just before his return when each of us must stay constantly prepared lest we lose our reward. b."Regarding the 'oil' each of us must have in our lamps at the Lord's coming. Pres. Spencer W. Kimball (Faith Precedes the Miracle, p. 256) "In the parable, oil can be purchased at the market. In our lives, the oil of preparedness is accumulated drop by drop in righteous living. Attendance at sacrament meetings adds oil to our lamps, drop by drop over the years. Fasting, family prayer, home teaching, control of bodily appetites, preaching the gospel, studying the scriptures each act of dedication and obedience is a drop added to our store. Deeds of kindness, payment of offerings and tithes, chaste thoughts and actions, marriage in the covenant for eternity these, too contribute importantly to the oil with which we can at midnight refuel our exhausted lamps." 3.vs. 3--"the last time." (Joseph Fielding Smith, CR Apr. 1946, p. 155) "By the 'last time' the Lord meant the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times." 4.vs. 4 "all having corrupt minds." (Hyrum M. Smith, CR. Oct. 1916, p. 43) "The term 'corrupt' meant that they have turned away from the truth, the purity of the truth, the beauty of the truth and have turned to that which is false. A false doctrine is a corrupt doctrine; a false religion is a corrupt religion; a false teacher is a corrupt teacher. Any man who teaches a false doctrine, who believes in and practices and teaches a false religion is a corrupt professor, because he teaches that which is impure and not true " 5.The mission of the Church. D&C 33:6 a.Gather the elect. "I will gather mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, even as many as will believe in me, and hearken unto my voice." "Ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts." (D&C 29:7) b.Prepare them for second coming. (Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle, pp. 255-6) "Spiritual preparedness cannot be shared in an instant. The wise (virgins) had to go, else the bridegroom would have gone unwelcomed. They needed all their oil for themselves; they could not save the foolish. The responsibility was each for himself. "How can one share obedience to the principle of tithing; a mind at peace from righteous living; an accumulation of knowledge? How can one share faith or testimony? How can one share attitudes or chastity, or the experience of a mission? How can one share temple privileges? Each must obtain that kind of oil for himself." V.SECTION 34 A.Background. 1.Orson Pratt a convert of six weeks. 2.Younger brother of Parley P. Pratt. 3.One of original Quorum of Twelve. 4.One of most stalwart members of Church (except for 5 months in 1842 when he was excommunicated & rebaptized.) B.Doctrine. 1.vs. 1 "My son Orson," a.Mosiah 5:7 "because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters." b.Lorenzo Snow, ("Man's Destiny," Improvement Era, June 1919, p. 600-1) "Hast thou not been unwisely bold, Man's destiny to thus unfold? To raise, promote such high desire, Such vast ambition thus inspire? Still 'tis no phantom that we trace Man's ultimatum in life's race; This royal path has long been trod By righteous men, each now a God: As Abra'm, Isaac, Jacob, too, First babes, then men to gods they grew As man now is, our God once was; As now God is, so man may be Which doth unfold man's destiny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The boy, like to his father grown, Has but attained unto his own; To grow to sire from state of son, Is not 'gainst Nature's course to run. A son of God, like God to be, Would not be robbing Deity; And he who has this hope within, Will purify himself from sin." 2.Charge to Orson. Vs. 5-10. a."Preach my gospel " b."Lift up your voice " c."Cry repentance." d."Prophesy, and it shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost." VI.SECTION 35 SIDNEY RIGDON. A.Background. 1.First a Baptist minister in Pittsburg. 2.Next a Reformed Baptist minister. 3.Then for 17 years a Campbellite minister. 4.Reached #4 in hierarchy in Western Reserve. 5.Converted by missionaries to Lamanites. 6.Baptized on Nov. 14, 1830. 7.Went to New York to meet the Prophet. B.Message to Sidney. 1.vs. 3 "I have looked upon thee and thy works. I have heard thy prayers, and prepared thee for a greater work." 2.vs. 4 "Thou wast sent forth to prepare the way before me." 3.vs. 6 "Thou shalt baptize by water, & they shall receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands " a.The Campbellites recognized they couldn't give the Holy Ghost. b.This was one of the main doctrines that bothered Parley P. Pratt. C.Preparation of Ohio for the Gospel. (B.Y.U. Studies, 12:4 (1972, "The Quest for a Restoration: The Birth of Mormonism in Ohio", Backman, p. 346-364) 1.In one month the missionaries to the Lamanites baptized over 130 souls in Ohio. 2.In six months the Church consisted of 62 baptized souls in New York. 3.Why was Ohio such a fertile field for Mormonism? Point D. D.Four religious groups there. 1.Congregationalists endorsed the Westminister Confession of Faith which included 5 points of Calvinism. a.Total depravity of man (corrupt, pervert) b.Unconditional election or predestination. c.Limited atonement. d.Irresistibilty of grace man cannot reject the call) e.Perseverance of the saints (man cannot fall.) 2.Methodists. a.Part of the Grand Circuit 44 preaching stations. b.Once a month a circuit rider visited & preached. 3.Regular Baptists part of the Grand River Association an alliance of closed communion Calvinist Baptist churches. a.Served by itinerant preachers. b.Rejected a need to restore the everlasting gospel. 4."Reformers," "Reformed Baptists," "Reforming Baptists," "Christians," and "Disciples," or commonly called Campbellites by their opponents for their prominent leader Alexander Campbell--seeking a return to New Testament Christianity. a.Wanted to "restore" the purity of gospel as taught by "Christians first at Antioch." b.They baptized by immersion for remission of sins. c.Held a weekly Lord's Supper. d.Believed that Father & Son were separate and distinct beings. e.The Bible should be the one rule of faith. f.The creeds of Christendom were composed of "propositions deduced by logical inferences, and couched in philosophical language." An apostasy disrupted the Primitive Church. g.Reception of Holy Ghost would follow baptism of a repentant believer. (vs. 6) h.Rev. Walter Scott (friend of Rigdon's)preached six basic principles in 1827: 1.Faith. 2.Repentance. 3.Baptism of believers (immersion) 4.Remission of sins. 5.Reception of Holy Ghost. 6.Eternal life. i.Millennium was about to be ushered in. j.Jews about to gather in Jerusalem. k.Second coming of Christ near. l.Rev. Murdock claimed no one had authority of priesthood. "The Lord must either send an angel to baptise the first man, or he must give a special command to some one man to baptise another. m.Edward Partridge believed: It was "absolutely necessary" for God to "again reveal himself to man & confer authority upon some one before his church could be built up " n.Some differences between Campbell & Rigdon. 1.Rigdon. a.Believed that a communitarian system should be instituted. b.Have all things in common. c.Pooled property. d.Miracles & gifts of Spirit should follow Holy Ghost. (vs. 9) e.Holy Ghost should be conferred by laying on of hands. 2. Campbell took opposite stand on all of above. o.The Disciples of Christ baptized 800 persons in 1828. p.Alexander Campbell published a periodical Millennial Harbinger. In the first issue the heading quoted Rev. 14:6 "I saw another messenger flying through the midst of heaven, having everlasting good news to proclaim to the inhabitants of the earth." E.Prominent converts from Ohio. 1.Sidney Rigdon. 2.Frederick G. Williams. 3.Lyman Wight. 4.Orson Hyde. 5.Parley P. Pratt. 6.Edward Partridge. 7.Newell K. Whitney. 8.Isaac Morley. 9.Titus Billings. F.Charge to Sidney Rigdon. 1.Use of correct authority. (vs. 5-6) 2.His relationship to the Prophet Joseph Smith. (vs. 17-18) 3.To be a scribe for Joseph on the translation of the Bible. (vs. 20) VII.SECTION 36. (TO EDWARD PARTRIDGE) A.Background on Edward Partridge. (The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Cook, p. 53-4) 1.Sidney & Edward Partridge traveled to New York to meet Joseph. (Doctrine & Covenants Institute Student Manual, p. 72) a.Sidney had been baptized in Ohio. b.Edward wanted to meet the Prophet before being baptized. c.They went first to Manchester & didn't find Joseph. d.Talked to neighbors & found Smith's character unimpeachable until he got involved with the Book of Mormon. e.Observed the good order & industry demonstrated by the Smith farm. f.Went on to Fayette & entered a meeting in progress. g.After Joseph preached he asked any to respond who desired. h.Edward Partridge arose and asked for baptism. 2.Born in 1793 12 years older than Joseph in Massachusetts. 3.Baptized Dec. 11, 1830 in Fayette. 4.Ordained an elder Dec. 15, 1830. 5.Called as first bishop of Church Feb. 4, 183l. 6.Called to move to Jackson County in August 1831. 7.Allocated inheritances to Saints there. 8.Endured persecution tarred & feathered. 9.Presiding authority in 1833. Died 27 May 1840 in Nauvoo. B.Doctrine. 1.vs. 1 "Your sins are forgiven you " a.Joseph Smith in Sacred Grove. b.Enos. c.Will always occur when one receives a revelation from the Lord. 2.vs. 2 "I will lay my hand upon you." a.Elder Harold B. Lee (B.Y.U. Speeches of the Year, Feb. 11, 1958, p. 6.) "The Lord here is saying that when one of his authorized servants puts his hands by authority upon the head of one to be blessed, it is as though he himself was putting his hand on them to perform that ordinance . He manifests his power among men through his servants to whom He had committed the keys of authority."